Install FreeLing Requirements on MacOS

Install HomeBrew

Some needed tools and libraries can be easily installed using HomeBrew. Go to and follow the instructions there to install it.

Install required HomeBrew packages

  • Install boost and icu libraries:
    brew install boost icu4c

Languages other than C++

If you plan to call FreeLing from a language other than C++, such as python, perl, or Java, make sure you have installed the development libraries for that language:

brew install python3
brew install perl
(and/or install your preferred Java JDK with JNI support)

If you plan to compile FreeLing from source:

  • Install CMake (3.8 or newer):
    brew install cmake

  • Make sure clang is installed, either via XCode or via homebrew.

If you plan to build from source FreeLing APIs to non-C++ languages:

  • Install SWIG:
    brew install swig