Sense Labelling Module

This module searches the lemma of each analysis in a sense dictionary, and enriches the analysis with the list of senses found there.

Note that this is not disambiguation, all senses for the lemma are returned.

The module receives a file containing several configuration options, which specify the sense dictionary to be used, and some mapping rules that can be used to adapt FreeLing PoS tags to those used in the sense dictionary.

FreeLing provides WordNet-based [Fel98,Vos98] dictionaries, but the results of this module can be changed to any other sense catalogue simply providing a different sense dictionary file.

class senses {
    /// Constructor: receives the name of the configuration file
    senses(const std::string &cfgfile); 

    /// analyze given sentence.
    void analyze(sentence &s) const;

    /// analyze given sentences.
    void analyze(std::list<sentence> &ls) const;

    /// return analyzed copy of given sentence
    sentence analyze(const sentence &s) const;

    /// return analyzed copy of given sentences
    std::list<sentence> analyze(const std::list<sentence> &ls) const;

The constructor of this class receives the name of a configuration file which is expected to contain the following sections:

  • A section <WNposMap> with the mapping rules of FreeLing PoS tags to sense dictionary PoS tags.
    The format of the mapping rules is described in section Semantic Database.

  • A section <DataFiles> containing the following pairs keyword value:

    • SenseDictFile filename
      Sense dictionary to use. E.g. XML <DataFiles> SenseDictFile ./senses30.src </DataFiles> The format of the sense dictionary is described in section Semantic Database.

    • formDictFile filename
      Form dictionary to use if mapping rules in WNposMap require the use of a form dictionary.

  • A section <DuplicateAnalysis> containing a single line with either yes or no, stating whether the analysis with more than one senses must be duplicated. If this section is ommitted, no is used as default value. The effect of activating this option is described in the following example:

    For instance, the word crane has the follwing analysis: crane NN 0.833 crane VB 0.083 crane VBP 0.083 If the list of senses is simply added to each of them (that is, DuplicateAnalysis is set to false), you will get: crane NN 0.833 02516101:01524724 crane VB 0.083 00019686 crane VBP 0.083 00019686 But if you set DuplicateAnalysis to true, the NN analysis will be duplicated for each of its possible senses: crane NN 0.416 02516101 crane NN 0.416 01524724 crane VB 0.083 00019686 crane VBP 0.083 00019686