Tag Set Managing Module

This module is able to store information about a tagset, and offers some useful functions on PoS tags and morphological features.

This module is internally used by some analyzers (e.g. probabilities module, HMM tagger, feature extraction, ...) but can be instantiated and called by any user application that requires it.

The API of the module is:

class tagset {

     /// constructor: load a tag set description file
     tagset(const std::wstring &f);
     /// destructor

     /// get short version of given tag
     std::wstring get_short_tag(const std::wstring &tag) const;
     /// get map of <feature,value> pairs with morphologica information for given tag
                 get_msd_features_map(const std::wstring &tag) const;
     /// get list of <feature,value> pairs with morphologica information for given tag
     std::list<std::pair<std::wstring,std::wstring> > 
           get_msd_features(const std::wstring &tag) const;
     /// get a string with <feature,value> pairs with morphologica information for given tag
     std::wstring get_msd_string(const std::wstring &tag) const;

     /// convert list of <feature,value> pairs to a PoS tag. 
     /// if the list does not contain a value for feature 'pos', the category must be
     /// scpecified in the 'cat' parameter. Valid categories are those defined in the 
     /// tagset description file loaded by the constructor.
        msd_to_tag(const std::wstring &cat,
                   const std::list<std::pair<std::wstring,std::wstring> > &msd) const;

     /// convert string of <feature,value> pairs to a PoS tag. 
     /// if the list does not contain a value for feature 'pos', the category must be
     /// scpecified in the 'cat' parameter. Valid categories are those defined in the 
     /// tagset description file loaded by the constructor.
     std::wstring msd_to_tag(const std::wstring &cat,const std::wstring &msd) const;

The class constructor receives a file name with a tagset description. Format of the file is described below. The class offers three kinds of services:

  1. Get the short version of a tag. This is useful for EAGLES tagsets, and required by some modules (e.g. PoS tagger). The length of a short tag is defined in the tagset description file, and depends on the language and part-of-speech. The criteria to select it is usually to have a tag informative enough (capturing relevant features such as category, subcategory, case, etc) but also general enough so that significative statistics for PoS tagging can be acquired from reasonably-sized corpora. For instance, in latin languages the PoS tag for nouns includes gender and number information (e.g. NCMS000), but using the whole tag results in statistical dispersion when estimating tagger or parser probabilities. So, the short version NC is used. Tagset description file defines which digits should be extracted from the full tag to build the short version.

  2. Decompose a tag into a list of pairs feature-value (e.g. gender=masc, num=plural, case=dative, etc). This can be retrieved as a map, as a list of string pairs, or as a formatted string.

  3. Given a list of pairs feature-value for morphological attributes, return a PoS tag encoding those properties.

Tagset Description File

Tagset description file has two sections: <DecompositionRules> and <DirectTranslations>, which describe how tags are converted to their short version and decomposed into morphological feature-value pairs

  • Section <DirectTranslations> describes a direct mapping from a tag to its short version and to its feature-value pair list. Each line in the section corresponds to a tag, and has the format:
    tag short-tag feature-value-pairs

    For instance the line:
    NCMS000 NC postype=common|gender=masc|number=sing states that the tag NCMS000 is shortened as NC and that its list of feature-value pairs is the one specified.

    This section has precedence over section <DecompositionRules>, and can be used as an exception list. If a tag is found in section <DirectTranslations>, the rule is applied and any rule in section <DecompositionRules> for this tag is ignored.

  • Section <DecompositionRules> encodes rules to compute the morphological features from an EAGLES label. The rules describe the possible values and meaning of each position in the label. The form of each line is:
    tag short-tag-size category position-description-1 position-description-2 ...
    where tag is the character for the category in the EAGLES PoS tag (i.e. the first character: N, V, A, etc.), and short-tag-size is an integer stating the length of the short version of the tag (e.g. if the value is 2, the first two characters of the EAGLES PoS tag will we used as short version). Categoryis the name of the main category (e.g. noun, verb, etc.).

    Finally, fields position-description-n contain information on how to interpret each character in the EAGLES PoS tag.
    There should be as many position-description fields as characters there are in the PoS tag for that category. Each position-description field has the format:
    That is: the name of the feature encoded by that character (e.g. gender, number, etc.) followed by a slash, and then a semicolon-separated list of translation pairs that, for each possible character in that position give the feature value.

    For instance, the rule for Spanish noun PoS tags is (in a single line):
    N 2 noun type/C:common;P:proper gen/F:fem;M:masc;C:common num/S:sing;P:plur;N:inv neclass/S:person;G:location;O:organization;V:other grade/V:evaluative
    and states that any tag starting with N (unless it is found in section <DirectTranslations>) will be shortened using its two first characters (e.g. NC, or NP). Then, the description of each character in the tag follows, encoding the information:

    1. type/C:common;P:proper - second digit is the subcategory (feature type) and its possible values are C (translated as common) and P (translated as proper).
    2. gen/F:fem;M:masc;C:common - third digit is the gender (feature gen) and its possible values are F (feminine, translated as fem), M (masculine, translated as masc), and C (common/invariable, translated as common).
    3. num/S:sing;P:plur;N:inv - fourth digit is the number (feature num) and its possible values are S (singular, translated as sing), P (plural, translated as plur), and N (common/invariable, translated as inv).
    4. neclass/S:person;G:location;O:organization;V:other - Fifth digit is the semantic class for proper nouns (feature neclass), with possible values S (translated as person), G (translated as location), O (translated as organization), and V (translated as other).
    5. grade/V:evaluative - sixth digit is the grade (feature grade) with possible values V (translated as evaluative).

    If a feature is underspecified or not appliable, a zero (0) is expected in the appropriate position of the PoS tag.

    The following tag translations would result of the example rule described above:

EAGLES PoS tag short version morphological features
NCMS00 NC pos=noun, type=common, gen=masc, num=sing
NCFC00 NC pos=noun, type=common, gen=fem, num=common
NCFP00 NC pos=noun, type=common, gen=fem, num=plur, grade=evaluative
NP0000 NP pos=noun, type=proper
NP00G0 NP pos=noun, type=proper, neclass=location