Adding Support for New Languages

It is possible to extend the library with capability to deal with a new language.

In many cases, this may be done simply providing the appropriate linguistic data, with no need to modify any code. Some modules, however, do require entering into the code.

Since the text input language is an configuration option of the system, a new configuration file must be created for the language to be added (e.g. copying and modifying an existing one. The new configuration file must point to the new configuration or data files for each module.

Details on the format for configuration files for each individual module can be found in chapter about Language Processing Modules.


The first module in the processing chain is the tokenizer. The behaviour of the tokenizer is controlled via the TokenizerFile option in configuration file.

To create a tokenizer for a new language, just create a new tokenization rules file (e.g. copying an existing one and adapting its regexps to particularities of your language), and set it as the value for the TokenizerFile option in your new configuration file.

Morphological analyzer

The morphological analyzer module consists of several sub-modules:

Multiword detection

Just create a multiword file in the appropriate format. The LocutionsFile option in configuration file must be set to the name of a file that contains the multiwords you want to detect in your language.

Nummerical expression detection

If no specialized module is defined to detect nummerical expressions, the default behaviour is to recognize only numbers and codes written in digits (or mixing digits and non-digit characters).

If you want to recognize language dependent expressions (such as numbers expressed in words -e.g. `one hundred thirthy-six''), you have to program anumbers_mylanguageclass derived from abstract classnumbers_module. Those classes are finite automata that recognize word sequences. An abstract classautomat` controls the sequence advance, so your derived class has little work to do apart from defining states and transitions for the automaton.

A good idea to start with this issue is having a look at the numbers_es, numbers_en, and numbers_ca classes. State/transition diagrams of those automata can be found in the directory doc/diagrams.

Date/time expression detection

If no specialized module is defined to detect date/time expressions, the default behaviour is to recognize only simple date expressions (such as DD/MM/YYYY).

If you want to recognize language dependent expressions (such as complex time expressions -e.g. `wednesday, July 12th at half past nine''), you have to program adate_mylanguageclass derived from abstract classdates_module. Those classes are Augmented Transition Netwrots that recognize word sequences. An abstract classautomat` controls the sequence advance, so your derived class has little work to do apart from defining states and transitions for the automaton.

A good idea to start with this issue is having a look at the dates_es, dates_en, and dates_ca classes. State/transition diagrams of those automata can be found in the directory doc/diagrams.

Currency/ratio expression detection

If no specialized module is defined to detect date/time expressions, the default behaviour is to recognize only simple percentage expressions (such as ``23%'').

If you want to recognize language dependent expressions (such as complex ratio expressions -e.g. three out of four''- or currency expression -e.g.2,000 australian dollar''), you have to program a quantities_mylanguage class derived from abstract class quantities_module. Those classes are Agumented Transition Networks that recognize word sequences. An abstract class automat controls the sequence advance, so your derived class has little work to do apart from defining states and transitions for the automaton.

A good idea to start with this issue is having a look at the quantities_en and quantities_es classes.

In the case your language is a roman language (or at least, has a similar structure for currency expressions) you can easily develop your currency expression detector by copying the quantities_es class, and modifying the QuantitiesFile option to provide a file in which lexical items are adapted to your language. For instance: Catalan currency recognizer uses a copy of the quantities_es class, but a different QuantitiesFile, since the syntactical structure for currency expression is the same in both languages, but lexical forms are different.

If your language has a very different structure for those expressions, you may require a different format for the QuantitiesFile contents. Since that file will be used only for your language, feel free to readjust its format.

The lexical forms for each language are sought in a database. You only have to specify in which file it is found with the DictionaryFile option.

The dictionary file can be build with the src/utilities/dicc-management/ script included in FreeLing tarball. This program reads all dictionary entry lists given as parameter, and builds a unique file containg a dictionary suitable for FreeLing.

The input files are expected to contain one word form per line, each line with the format: form lemma1 tag

abalanzará abalanzar VMIC1S0
abalanzará abalanzar VMIC3S0
bajo bajar VMIP1S0
bajo bajo AQ0MS0

Forms not found in dictionary may be submitted to an affix analysis to devise whether they are derived forms. The valid affixes and their application contexts are defined in the affix rule file referred by AffixFile configuration option.

If your language has ortographic accentuation (such as Spanish, Catalan, and many other roman languages), the suffixation rules may have to deal with accent restoration when rebuilding the original roots. To do this, you have to program a accents_mylanguage class derived from abstract class accents_module, which provides the service of restoring (according to the accentuation rules in your languages) accentuation in a root obtained after removing a given suffix.

A good idea to start with this issue is having a look at the accents_es class.

Probability assignment

The module in charge of assigning lexical probabilities to each word analysis only requires a data file, referenced by the ProbabilityFile configuration option.

This file may be created using the script src/utilities/train-tagger/bin/ included in FreeLing source package, and a tagged corpus.

HMM PoS Tagger

The HMM PoS tagger only requires an appropriate HMM parameters file, given by the TaggerHMMFile option.

To build a HMM tagger for a new language, you will need corpus (preferably tagged), and you will have to write some probability estimation scripts (e.g. you may use MLE with a simple add-one smoothing).

Nevertheless, the easiest way (if you have a tagged corpus) is using the estimation and smoothing script src/utilities/train-tagger/bin/ provided in FreeLing source package.

See file src/utilities/train-tagger/README for details

Relaxation Labelling PoS Tagger

The Relaxation Labelling PoS tagger only requires an appropriate pseudo- constraint grammar file, given by the RelaxTaggerFile option.

To build a Relax tagger for a new language, you will need corpus (preferably tagged), and you will have to write some compatibility estimation scripts. You can also write from scratch a knowledge-based constraint grammar.

Nevertheless, the easiest way (if you have a tagged corpus) is using the estimation and smoothing script src/utilities/train-tagger/bin/ provided in FreeLing source package.

See file src/utilities/train-tagger/README for details

Named Entity Recognizer and Classifier

Named Entity recognition and classification modules can be trained for a new language, provided a hand-annotated large enough corpus is available.

See file src/utilities/train-nrec/README for details.

Chart Parser

The parser only requires a grammar which is consistent with the tagset used in the morphological and tagging steps. The grammar file must be specified in the GrammarFile option (or passed to the parser constructor).

Rule-based Dependency Parser

The depencency parser only requires a set of rules which is consistent with the PoS tagset and the non-terminal categories generated by the Chart Parser grammar. The grammar file must be specified in the DepRulesFile option (or passed to the parser constructor).

Statistical Dependency Parser and SRL

The statistical depencency parser requires a training corpus with PoS tags matching those produced by the tagger. The corpus needs to be in CoNLL format.

Dependency relations are the output of the module, so they can be any. Of course, later modules (SRL, coreference) will need to be trained or configured to match the labels produced by the dependency parser.