Install from source on Windows

This section assumes you already downloaded and uncompressed FreeLing sources in a folder of your choice. If not, please read Section Installing from source before continuing.

It also assumes you installed development tools and FreeLing dependencies. If not, please read Section Install FreeLing Requirements on Windows

Finally, it assumes you know where you want to install FreeLing (e.g. C:\FreeLing, C:\Program Files\FreeLing, etc.). IMPORTANT: From this point on, we will refer to this FreeLing installation folder (where you should already have installed the dependencies) as %FLINSTALL%.

Build FreeLing

  1. Open a terminal and change to the folder where you uncompressed or cloned the downloaded FreeLing source.

  2. From the start menu, open a "Visual Studio x64 Native Tools Command Prompt" (or "x86" if your system is 32 bits)

  3. Change to the folder where you unzipped the source, and execute the commands:
    mkdir build cd build cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%FLINSTALL%\freeling -DZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR=%FLINSTALL%\dependencies\zlib\include -DZLIB_LIBRARY=%FLINSTALL%\dependencies\zlib\lib\zlibd.lib -DBOOST_ROOT=%FLINSTALL%\dependencies\boost -DICU_ROOT=%FLINSTALL%\dependencies\icu -G "NMake Makefiles" nmake install

Since most dependencies are not installed in default locations, we need to specify the paths for them all, that is why the command is so long.

With this, you are done. Your %FLINSTALL% folder should look like: %FLINSTALL%\dependencies\zlib | \boost | \icu \freeling\bin \include \lib \share

If you want a clean re-install, you can delete folder %FLINSTALL%\freeling, and run again "nmake install" from the "build" folder.

If you want a clean re-build, you can delete the "build" folder, and repeat the whole procedure.

Available options that can be added to the cmake command:

Option Effect
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<path> Install FreeLing in given location (default: C:\Program Files)
-DTRACES=ON Build FreeLing with debugging traces (default: OFF)
-DWARNINGS=OFF Build FreeLing without warning messages (default: ON)
-DXPRESSIVE=ON Build FreeLing using boost::xpressive regexps instead of boost::regex (default: OFF)
-DEMBEDDINGS=ON Download word embeddings files when installing (default: OFF). Warning: Adds 2Gb to required installation space.
-DJAVA_API=ON Build Java API (default: OFF. See Building and using APIs on Windows for details).
-DPYTHON2_API=ON Build Python 2 API (default: OFF. See Building and using APIs on Windows for details).
-DPYTHON3_API=ON Build Python 3 API (default: OFF. See Building and using APIs on Windows for details).

Test FreeLing

After installing, you are ready to use FreeLing. See sections Test FreeLing Installation on Windows, Execute FreeLing demo and Call FreeLing Library to find out more on how to use FreeLing.