Feature Extraction Module

Machine Learning based modules (such as BIO named entity recognition or classification modules) require the encoding of each word to classify as a feature vector. The conversion of words in a sentence to feature vectors, is performed by this module. The features are task-oriented, so they vary depending on what is being classified. For this reason, the encoding is not hard-wired in the code, but dinamically performed interpreting a set of feature rules.

Thus, the Feature Extraction Module converts words in a sentence to feature vectors, using a given set of rules.

The API of this module is the following:

class fex {

    /// constructor, given rule file, lexicon file (may be empty),
    /// and custom functions
    fex(const std::wstring&, const std::wstring&, 
        const std::map<std::wstring,const feature_function *> &);

    /// encode given sentence in features as feature names. 
    void encode_name(const sentence &, std::vector<std::set<std::wstring> > &);
    /// encode given sentence in features as integer feature codes
    void encode_int(const sentence &, std::vector<std::set<int> > &);
    /// encode given sentence in features as integer feature codes and 
    /// as features names
    void encode_all(const sentence &, std::vector<std::set<std::wstring> > &, 
                    std::vector<std::set<int> > &);

    /// encode given sentence in features as feature names. 
    /// Return result suitable for Java/perl APIs
    std::vector<std::list<std::wstring> > encode_name(const sentence &);
    /// encode given sentence in features as integer feature codes.
    /// Return result suitable for Java/perl APIs
    std::vector<std::set<int> > encode_int(const sentence &);

    /// clear lexicon
    void clear_lexicon(); 
    /// encode sentence and add features to current lexicon
    void encode_to_lexicon(const sentence &);
    /// save lexicon to a file, filtering features with low occurrence rate
    void save_lexicon(const std::wstring &, double) const;

The class may be used to encode a corpus and generate a feature lexicon, or to encode a corpus filtering the obtained features using a previously generated feature lexicon.

The rules may call custom feature functions, provided the instantianting program provides pointers to call the apropriate code to compute them.

Once the class is instantiated, it can ben used to encode sentences in feature vectors. Features may be obtained as strings (feature names) or integers (feature codes).

The constructor of the class receives a .rgf file containing feature extraction rules, a feature lexicon file (mapping feature names to integer codes), and a map<string,feature_function> used to define custom feature functions).

If the lexicon file name is empty, features will be assigned an integer code, and the generated lexicon can be saved. This is useful when encoding training corpus and feature codes have not been set yet.

Feature Extraction Rule File

Feature extraction rules are defined in a .rgf file. This section describes the format of the file. The syntax of the rules is described further below.

Rules are grouped in packages. Begin and end of a package is marked with the keywords RULES and ENDRULES. Packages are useful to simplify the rules, and to speed up feature computation avoiding computing the same features several times.

A line with format TAGSET filename may precede the rule packages definition. The given filename will be interpreted as a relative path (based on the .rgf location) to a tagset definition file that will be used to obtain short versions of PoS tags. The TAGSET line is needed only if the short tag property t is used in some rule.

The RULES package starting keyword must be followed by a condition on word properties. Rules in a package will onlly be applied to those words matching the package condition, thus avoiding unnecessary tests.

For instance, the rules in the package:

RULES t matches ^NP

will be applied only for words with a PoS tag (t) starting with NP. The same result could have been obtained without the package if the same condition was added to each rule, but then, applicability tests for each rule on each word would be needed, resulting in a higher computational cost.

The package condition may be ALL. In this case, rules contained in the package will be checked for all words in the sentence. This condition has also an extra effect: the features extracted by rules in this package are cached, in order to avoid repeating computations, e.g. if a rule uses a window to get features from neighbour words.

For instance, the rule:

 punct_mark@   [-2,2]   t matches ^F

will generate, for each word, features indicating which words in the surrounding two words (left and right) are punctuation symbols (F).

With this rule applied to the sentence "Hi ! , said John ." the word said would get the features punct_mark@-1 (comma to the left of said), punct_mark@-2 (exclamation mark), and punct_mark@2 (dot after John). The word John would get the features punct_mark@-2 and punct_mark@1. Since the package has condition ALL, the features are computed once per word, and then reused (that is, the fact that the comma is a punctuation sign will be checked only once, regardless of the size of the sentence and the size of the windows in the rules).

Rule Syntax

Each rule has following syntax:
feature-name-pattern window condition

  • feature-name-pattern is a string that describes what the generated feature name will be. Some special characters allow the insertion of variable values in the feature name. Details on feature patterns are provided below.
  • window is a range in the format [num,num], and states the words around the target word for which the feature has to be computed. A window of [0,0] means that the feaure is only checked for the target word.
  • condition is the condition that a word has to satisfy in order to get the features extracted by the rule. Details on condition sintax are provided below.

Feature Name Pattern Syntax

Each feature rule has a feature-name-pattern that describes how the generated feature name will be.

The following characters are special and are interpreted as variables, and replaced by the corresponding values:

  • Character @: will be replaced with the relative position of the matching word with respect to the target word. Thus, the rule punct_mark@ [-2,2] t matches ^F will generate a different feature for each word in the window that is a punctuation sign (e.g. punct_mark@-2 and punct_mark@1 for the word John in the above example).

    But the rule punct_mark [-2,2] t matches ^F will generate the same feature for all words in the window that are punctuation signs, since position is not encoded in the feature pattern (i.e. it will generate punct_mark twice for the word John in the above example). Repeated features are stored only once.

  • Character $ introduces a variable that must have the format: $var(position).

    • Allowed variable names are: W (word form, in its original casing), w (word form, lowercased), l (word lemma), T (word full PoS tag), t (word short PoS tag), a (word lemma+Pos tag). All above variables refer to the analysis selected by the tagger. Variable names may be prefixed with p (e.g. pT, pl, pa, etc.) which will generate the feature for all possible analysis of the word, not just the one selected by the tagger.

    • The position indicates from which word (relative to the focus word) the value for the variable must be taken.

    For instance, the pattern: pbig@:$w(0)_$pt(1) will extract features that will contain the relative position (@), plus a bigram made of the word form of the current word in the window ($w(0)) plus each possible short PoS tag of the word right of it ($pt(1)).

    In the sentence "John lives here .", the features for word here in a window of [-2,0] with the above pattern would be: pbig@-2:john_VBZ (word form for John plus first possible tag for lives), pbig@-2:john_NNS (word form for John plus second possible tag for lives), pbig@-1:lives_RB (word form for lives plus first possible tag for here), and pbig@0:here_Fp (word form for here plus first tag for the dot). Note that there are two features generated for window position -2 because the word lives has two possible PoS tags.

  • Curly brackets { } have two possible interpretations, depending on what they contain:

    1. If the brackets enclose a regex match variable (e.g $0, $1, $2, ...), then they are replaced with the string matching the corresponding (sub)expression. This only makes sense if the condition of the rule included a regular expression match. If it is not the case, results are undefined (probably a segmentation violation).
    2. If the brackets do not contain a regex match variable, then the content is interpreted as call to a custom feature function. It must have the format {functname(position)}, where functname is the name of the function as declared in the custom feature functions map (see below), and the position parameter is the relative position to the target word, and is interpreted in the same way than in the primitive features $w(position), $t(position), etc., described above.
      E.g., the pattern: {quoted(-1)}_{quoted(0)} would generate a feature similar to that of the pattern: t(-1)_t(0) but using the result of the custom function quoted instead of the PoS tag for the corresponding word.

Feature Rules Condition Syntax

Conditions control the applicability of a rule or a rule package to a certain word.

A condition may be ALL which is satisfied by any word. A condition may be simple, or compund of several conditions, combined with the logical operadors AND and OR. The operators in a condition must be homogeneous (i.e. either all of them AND or all of them OR), mixed conditions are not allowed (note that an OR condition is equivalent to writing two rules that only differ on the condition).

Single conditions consist of a word property, an operation, and an argument. Available word properties are: * W: Word form, original casing. * w: Word form, lowercased. * l: Lemma of the analysis selected by the tagger. * t: PoS tag (short version) of the analysis selected by the tagger. * T: PoS tag (full version) of the analysis selected by the tagger. * pl: List of all possible lemmas for the word. * pt: List of all possible short PoS tags for the word. * pT: List of all possible full PoS tags for the word. * na: Number of analysis of the word. * u.i: i-th element of the word user field (see description of word class.)

Note that all word properties (including na) are either strings or lists of strings.

The available primitive operations to build single conditions are the following: 1. <property> is <string> : String identity. 2. <property> matches <regexp> : Regex match. If the regex is parenthesized, (sub)expression matches $0, $1, $2, etc. are stored and can be used in the feature name pattern. 3. <property-list> any_in_set <filename> (or simply in_set): True iff any property in the list is found in the given file. 4. <property-list> all_in_set <filename>: True iff all properties in the list are found in the given file. 5. <property-list> some_in_set <filename>: True iff at least two properties in the list are found in the given file.

Operators can be negated with the character !. E.g. !is, !matches, etc.

For file operators expecting lists, the property may be a single string (list of one element).

Some sample valid conditions: * t is NC true if the short version of the tag equals NC. * T matches ^NC.S.. true if the long version of the tag matches the given regular expression. * pl in_set my/data/files/goodlemmas.dat rue if any possible lemma for the word is found in the given file. * l !in_set my/data/files/badlemmas.dat true if selected lemma for the word is not found in the given file. * w matches ...$ Always true. Will set the match variable $0 to the last three characters of the word, so it can be used in the feature name pattern (e.g. to generate a feature with the suffix of each word).

Adding custom feature functions

Custom feature functions can be defined, and called from the .rgf file enclosed in curly brackets (e.g.: {quoted(0)}). Calls to custom feature functions in the .rgf file must have one integer parameter, indicating a word position relative to the target word.

Actual code computing custom feature functions must be provided by the caller. the constructor accepts a parameter containing a map std::map<std::wstring,const feature_function*>, associating the custom function name used in the rule file with a feature_function pointer.

Custom feature functions must be classes derived from class feature_function:

class feature_function {  
      virtual void extract (const sentence &s, 
                            int pos, 
                            std::list<std::wstring> &) const=0;
      /// Destructor
      virtual ~feature_function() {};

They must implement a method extract that receives the sentence, the position of the target word, and a list of strings where the resulting feature name (or names if more than one is to be generated) will be added.

For instance, the example below generates the feature name in_quotes when the target word is surrounded by words with the Fe PoS tag (which is assigned to any quote symbol by the punctuation module).

class fquoted : public feature_function {
      void extract (const sentence &sent, int i, std::list<std::wstring> &res) const {
        if ( (i>0 and sent[i-1].get_tag()==L"Fe") and
             (i<(int)sent.size()-1 and sent[i+1].get_tag()==L"Fe") )

We can associate this function with the function name quoted adding the pair to a map:

map<wstring,const feature_function*> myfunctions;
myfunctions.insert(make_pair(L"quoted", (feature_function *) new fquoted()));

If we now create a fex object passing this map to the constructor, the created instance will call fquoted::extract with the appropriate parameters whenever quoted feature is used in a rule in the .rgf file.
For instance, we could create the rule:
{quoted(0)}@_t(1) [-5,5] ALL
which will generate a feature with the position and the tag of the word after the quote for any quote in the window [-5,5] around the target word (e.g. in_quotes@-2_NC, in_quotes@3_DT, etc.)

Note that there are three naming levels for custom feature functions: * The name of the feature itself, which will be generated by the extractor and will appear in the feature vectors (in_quotes in the above example). * The name of the function that will be called from the extraction rules in the .rgf file (quoted in the above example). * The name of the class derived from feature_function that has a method extract which actually computes the feature (fquoted in the above example).